Abito Bershka


come state?
io appena tornata da un week end romanticissimo a Venezia, in settimana ve ne parlerò.
Ma intanto vi mostro un altro outfit.
Che ve ne pare? Per i più freddolosi potete pensare di mettere una calza pesante e una maglia sotto.
Ciao Ragazze, lasciatemi i vostri pareri se volete!
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how are you?
I just returned from a romantic weekend in Venice, during the week I’ll get.
But in the meantime I’ll show you another outfit.
What do you think? For the cold you can think of putting a heavy sock and a shirt underneath.
Hello Girls, let your opinions if you want!

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Abito Bershka
Scarpe: Zara
Borsa: @parusia (instagram)
cinta: H&M

I was wearing:
dress: Bershka
Shoes: Zara
Bag: @parusia (instagram)
belt: H & M

Ph: David Pezzotti

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